
Provide expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in children.

Saudi Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (SPIDS) is dedicated to improving the outcomes of children affected by infectious diseases. The society focuses on enhancing knowledge and practices in the field through rigorous research, professional development, and education. PIDS also emphasizes the importance of advocacy, working to influence healthcare policies and practices that impact pediatric infectious disease prevention and treatment. Additionally, the society fosters a collaborative environment for specialists to share insights and advances, ultimately striving to reduce the burden of infectious diseases in children globally.

Promotes and demands professional excellence

Conduct Clinical Research

Teach fellows, residents, and medical students

Expertise in the diagnosis and treatment

Our Mission

Our mission is to fight against Infectious Diseases in the Kingdom and to improve the health of our children through enhanced prevention, improved diagnosis, support for research in the field of infectious diseases and increase public awareness.

Our Vision

The Saudi population are close to 30 million, with approximately 37 percent of the Saudi population is below the age of 14. Infant and Children are particularly vulnerable to get various type of infections, and take a relatively high share of the disease burden.   With this vision, the Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society visualizes, to be a regional leader in the field of Pediatric Infectious Diseases by 2030.

Our Primary Goal

The primary goal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (SPIDS) is to promote the health and well-being of children by advancing the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases. PIDS aims to achieve this through research, education, clinical care, and advocacy. The society provides resources and support for healthcare professionals specializing in pediatric infectious diseases, fosters collaboration among experts, and works to influence public policy related to child health and infectious diseases.

What We Do

we are dedicated to delivering exceptional solutions to our valued clients. We take pride in providing high-quality services that meet their unique needs and requirements

Recognition and Awards

The Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society acknowledges exceptional achievements in the field through awards and honors. As a member, you can nominate yourself or others for these accolades, gaining recognition for your contributions to pediatric infectious diseases.

Access to Research

Members of the Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society gain access to cutting-edge research in pediatric infectious diseases. Stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in your field, leveraging this knowledge to enhance patient care.

Opportunities to Volunteer

Members of the Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society can volunteer their expertise and time to support others. Engage in community outreach initiatives, mentor fellow healthcare professionals, and contribute positively to the well-being of others.

Professional Development

Membership in the Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society offers opportunities for professional growth, such as continuing education courses, certification programs, and leadership training.

Discounts on Services:

Members of the Saudi Pediatric Infectious Disease Society enjoy special discounts on various services, such as orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, and physical therapy. These cost-saving benefits ensure access to top-notch care while keeping expenses manageable.

Advocacy and Public Policy

We advocate for policies that champion the interests of pediatric infectious disease specialists and their young patients. As a member, you can actively participate in advocacy initiatives, influencing public policies related to pediatric infectious diseases.

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Membership Packages

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