SPIDS Week 2024, 11-09-2024

Updates in the Treatment of AmpC-Producing Enterobacterales

Classical Presentation

  • Objectives:
    • This presentation will cover the following:
      • Understanding the mechanism of AmpC-mediated resistance
      • Discussing the previous management of AmpC-producing Enterobacterales
      • Presenting the updates in the management of AmpC-producing Enterobacterales (including IDSA updated guidelines)
      • The novel antibiotic and combination therapy options

Current Treatment Approach for CRAB

Classical Presentation


This presentation will cover the following:

Understanding the mechanism of resistance and the threat of CRAB

Identifying genotypes that underlie resistant phenotypes

Discussing the traditional management of Acinetobacter spp.

The clinical challenges of CRAB treatment

The characteristics and roles of new agents

Proposed treatment strategies for CRAB

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM): An Underestimated Powerful Tool

Classical Presentation


Clear the ambiguity around “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring”! This presentation will cover the following key points:

Understanding TDM and the importance of dose optimization

Understanding different related terminology (e.g., trough, peak, area under the curve), their indications, and relevance

Understanding the basis of dosing, intervals, and special administration methods (e.g., extended infusion time)

The crucial role and utility of TDM in the treatment of infectious diseases

Practical and novel approaches to therapeutic drug monitoring and antibiotic dosing

Staying Ahead of Infectious Diseases: Pipelines Corner

(Co-organized with the Saudi Society of Clinical Pharmacy) Presentation and Open Discussion


This session will introduce you to the recently approved and soon-to-be-approved antimicrobials. It will keep you one step away from using the novel antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals. It additionally covers issues related to their use, spectra, indications, and limitations. Look no further; join the antimicrobial pipeline session!

SPIDS Plenary: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Connecting the Dots

Open Discussion (Forum)


A general and thorough review of ventilator-associated pneumonia that touches on:

The current definition of VAP in pediatrics

Diagnosis-related issues such as the challenges of establishing an accurate VAP diagnosis, sampling (the role of mini-BAL), the performance/positive predictive values of different diagnostic parameters (e.g., respiratory symptoms, ventilatory parameters, radiological findings, etc.)

Therapeutic-related issues (e.g., the role of combination therapy, empiric use of anti-staphylococcal and anti-pseudomonal agents, the impact of the recent CLSI breakpoint changes on the empiric and definitive use of aminoglycosides, the duration of therapy, the role of inhaled antimicrobials)

The impact of MRSA screening on treatment

Empiric Antibiotics in the NICU: Is It Still Aminoglycosides?

Classical Presentation


Are we moving away from our long-standing practice for neonatal sepsis, or are we still holding tight to ampicillin and gentamicin? Define your future practice after this eye-opening presentation, which includes:

A brief overview of the current practice (ampicillin/aminoglycoside) for neonatal sepsis, the origin behind this recommendation, rationales, and the validity of this recommendation in the present time

The indications/scenarios where deviation from this practice is recommended and the appropriate alternatives

The impact of the new CLSI and EUCAST aminoglycoside breakpoints on these recommendations

Challenges and limitations

Understanding Culture-Negative Sepsis

Classical Presentation


Do you believe in “culture-negative sepsis”? This presentation will answer this question and many others:

What is culture-negative sepsis in newborns?

Are we diagnosing culture-negative sepsis? What are the criteria for culture-negative sepsis?

The role of common laboratory biomarkers and diagnostic imaging

When to treat culture-negative sepsis?

How culture-negative sepsis compares to culture-positive sepsis (morbidity and mortality)

Management considerations (e.g., the role of de-escalation, duration, etc.)

Perinatal HIV: The Current Approach for Prevention

Classical Presentation


This presentation will cover the following issues:

Epidemiology of perinatal HIV infection

Risk factors that lead to increased perinatal HIV transmission (regionally)

Preventive measures needed to prevent perinatal HIV transmission to children

Highlights on the recent changes in the recommendations for the prevention of perinatal HIV transmission, including the local recommendations

Imaging Approaches for Patients with Fever of Unknown Origin

Classical Presentation


Immunomodulators: A Magic Bullet or Just One Piece of the Puzzle?

Classical Presentation


Have you ever heard of immunomodulators and their roles in infections? Take a closer look and learn:

The basics of immunomodulators, mechanism of action, and impact on immune function

The roles and effectiveness of immunomodulators in infections

Risks of use (if any)

Challenges and limitations

Examples of immunomodulators that are currently in use

Example infectious diseases where immunomodulators are recommended

What Is Hot and Not Hot in Stool?

Classical Presentation


A deep dive into one of the daily and widely used tests by infectious diseases practitioners, this presentation examines the impact of different stool tests and results. It includes:

Highlights on stool as a diagnostic tool for infection and the different tests that can be performed

Recognizing the wide array of pathogens that could be detected in the stool

The significance of various detectable pathogens in the stool

When to treat and when not to treat (pathological vs. non-pathological pathogens)

Other related issues

(Afternoon Poem) Infectious Diseases Career: Salty and Sweet

Poem-Type Presentation


With so many options available, choosing to be an infectious diseases physician is not the easiest road. The infectious diseases career might sound overly daunting, with ups and downs, yet there are always those moments of joy, achievements, and satisfaction.

In this humor-tinged poem, Jennifer Tam features a diary of an infectious diseases physician and the struggles faced in day-to-day practice

, full of lessons and insights. Don’t miss it!

Medical Marvel Minds Battle the Bugs with Hassan and Muath

An Interactive, Competition-Style Session


Who knows the answer?!

The best-ever competition in Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Groups of trainees compete against each other in a friendly and entertaining environment, with great excitement and exhilaration. Marvelous Hassan and Muath add even more vibes. If you’re an adventurous trainee, get recognized and be one of the Medical Marvel Minds competitors to win our precious prizes, or simply get your coffee and enjoy the non-traditional SPIDS Week learning experience. Learn with no pressure—SPIDS Week is a must!